
PD4459 The Expendables Central and Western Distrist 香港佐治五世紀念公園 King George V Memorial Park

SPD4459 The Expendables Central and Western Distrist 

香港佐治五世紀念公園  King George V Memorial Park

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Today let the Expendables introduce a new place in Central and Western Distrist, King George V Memorial Park. This Park is built from 1936, and at the same year King George V died. Therefore, the HK government named this park as George V Memorial Park.
The wall built by Grantie and there are lots of old Ficus microcarpas. Furthermore, there is also a football court, public toilet and a children playground. 

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Some films go to King George V Memorial Park to take scene. For example, Don't Go Breaking My Heart. The main characters had a romantic dating in this park. In fact, the entrance of this park is worth to take photos because the entrance is full of England style. 

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唔知大家有冇睇過電影《單身男女》? 程子欣(高圓圓飾)將角蛙轉贈予方啟宏(吳彥祖飾)的地方,就佐治五世紀念公園入口的斜坡及樓梯保留著白色石圍欄及舊式燈柱,充滿殖民地時代的英倫風味,係影相嘅好地方。



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