

日Expendables 同大家回到從前,介紹香港中西區半山既一條馬路---荷李活道。大家一定以為我地玩野,呢條街明明仲係度,又點叫回到從前呢!!! 心水清既朋友仔睇到個標題就應該知道答案^^ 不如我地先簡單睇下荷李活道點解有個甘既名先啦~~~

Today, the Expendables will take u to return to the past, introducing a street of Central and Western District----Hollywood Road. Yup, this street is still here in Hong Kong, but it isn't a joke. We are returning to the past. Some friends may know what we mean according to the topic. Before we Back to the past, let us to know the reason why the street is called Hollywood.

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Hollywood Road.....

was put up early in 1844, before the more famous Hollywood in California was settled. Another origin mentioned for the name is that holly shrubs were growing in the area when the road was constructed.And Hollywood Road is the first street to be built when the colony of Hong Kong was founded.The street runs between Central and Sheung Wan, with Wyndham Street, Arbuthnot Road, Ladder Street, Upper Lascar Row, and Old Bailey Street in the vicinity.

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Yeah~let us to tell u how we can return to the past and what interesting in Hollywood Road. Hollywood Road also called Antiques Street is filled with trinket and antique shops of all sorts: from Chinese furniture to porcelain ware, from Buddha sculptures to Tibetan rugs, from Japanese netsukes to Coromandel screens, from Ming dynasty ceramic horsemen and kitsch Maoist memorabilia. 


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This is the tourist's paradise and  treasure house for everyone. There are many types of antiques,a piece of rare Ming dynasty furniture, an ancient snuff bottle or a Cultural Revolution propaganda poster etc. From $10 deal to  million deal; from counterfeit to real antique. So, this street is so interesting. Visit around the world is better than only studying on the books. We just walked around the street and chatted with some Antique Shop owner, such having a cultural and Gemmology Course. Every Antiques have their unique story,from 70's film poster, old calendar, magazine etc, they all just like a real history book and leading us to feel and experience the past, know more about the past lifestyle. So, walking Hollywood Road (Antiques Street), such as walking through the time machine, return to the past.


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Hollywood Road

Opening hours:
開放時間:   7:00am-6:00pm (記住早D去呀)

Recommended  Transport:
建議交通工具: Bus#26   / MTR Sheung Wan or Central Station 港鐵上環或中環站

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SPD4459 Central and Westrn LKF - 蘭桂坊 Lan Kwai Fong @ 喜愛夜蒲

WesternSPD4459 Central and WesternSPD4459 Central and WesternSPD4459 Central and Western
蘭桂坊是位於香港中環區的一條呈L型的上坡小徑, 即德己立街、威靈頓街、雲咸街、和安里及榮華里構成的一個小區, 該處聚集大大小小的酒吧、俱樂部和餐廳, 是一個中高檔消費區,深受中產階級、外籍人士和遊客的歡迎。香港著名的特色旅遊景點之一,好像少女時代等國際巨星也喜愛到此一遊。

WesternSPD4459 Central and WesternSPD4459 Central and WesternSPD4459 Central and Weste
LKF - Lan Kwai Forn is the most famous clubbing and drink area in Hong Kong. Most of the travelers will come to LKF for site vist.
WesternSPD4459 Central and WesternSPD4459 Central and WesternSPD4459 Central and Western
於18世紀,蘭桂坊被稱為“爛鬼坊”, 因聚多洋人到此集散而得名。後來, 因用字不雅而改名為今日的「蘭桂坊」 。1978年在德己立街第一間disco開張後,加速了蘭桂坊的發展。蘭桂坊自此成為一個國際聞名的娛樂場所,受不少名人、娛樂圈藝人及外籍人士歡迎。蘭桂坊之父盛智文獨具慧眼,在1980年代有感在香港生活的外國人,欠缺一個能讓他們集散的社交場所,因此將此區打造為融合各地文化的娛樂場所。

WesternSPD4459 Central and WesternSPD4459 Central and WesternSPD4459 Central and Western
LKF is a small square of street in Central, the street Lan Kwai Fong is L-shaped with two ends joining with D'Aguilar Street. The area was dedicated to hawkers before the Second World War, but underwent a renaissance in the mid-1980s. It is now a popular expatriate haunt in Hong Kong for drinking, clubbing and dining.

中西區除了蘇豪區外, 蘭桂坊亦是大家放鬆消遣的好地方。每逢萬聖節、聖誕節和元宵, 蘭桂坊總是堆滿來自不同地方的旅客,大家可以盡情裝扮自己, 好好感受節日氣氛!WesternSPD4459 Central and WSPD4459 
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LKF building was bought by Allen Zeman in 1980s. After this purchase LKF was started to develope until now, so he as known as Father of LKF.
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Halloween, Christmas Eve and New Year Eve gather lots of people in LKF, it is free of charge and people can also feel the atmosphere at there.

Other than the festival, HKTB also hold event in LKF such as Beer Festival that as an attraction for trust and LKF Carnival for charity.
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How to get there:

By MTR: Central Station Exit D2, Hong Kong Station Exit B2 or C
By Bus rote 12M, 13, 23A, 40M
SPD4459 Central and WesternSPD4459 Central and WesternSPD4459 Central and WesternSPD4459 Central and Western

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SPD4459 Central and WesternSPD4459 Central and WesternSPD4459 Central and WesternSPD4459 Central and Western


SPD4459 The Expendables Central and Western Distrist 西高山散心 High West

These days, students are busying for midterm tests and we're having big social issue in Hong Kong. Hiking must be an ideal option for you to relieve yourself. It's a healthy while low cost activity. Today, the Expendables are going  to bring you to the High West.

經唔覺踏入左秋天,最近學生們都應該在忙測驗,社會又有大事在發生,去行山就可以舒緩下我地的緊張同壓力啦!低消費又健康,行山真係室外活動的不二之選。今日轟天猛將就同大家行西高山! SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459  SPD4459 SPD4459 

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This time we start in Central. After lunch, we take the bus and get off at Pok Fu Lam Reservoir Road bus terminal. Having passed by the equestrianism school and taken photos, we climb up the stairs to the High West. We can also enjoy the beautiful view of Lamma Island and Pok Fu Lam on the way.


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With in an hour, we arrived the Lung Fu Shan View Point. There are desks and chairs, making it a suitable place for taking a risk. but we are in hurry for the sunset, so here we go after a 10 mins short break!


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When we arrive a place with many people, we are in the intersection of High West and the Peak. You can choose to leave by walking for 30 mins to the Peak. However, our goal is the sunset, so the expendables must continue to go!


There is a path with rocky stairs going down at the beginning. But don't worry! More than 500 stairs go upward very soon and lead you to the mountain top. As the stairs are very narrow that people can only walk in a line, you need to keep going if you don't want to affect the progress of the whole team. Although we are very tired after arrived the trigonometric station, the view there is really very great! Finally, we can sit down, enjoying our picnic and taking beautiful photos.


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Friendly reminder: if you don't want to miss any amazing moment of the sunset, you have to check the  weather condition and sunset time of that day on the website of the Hong Kong Observatory. (http://www.hko.gov.hk/contentc.htm


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Finally, we climb down along the path we get there and take the bus in the Peak back to the urban areas.


Time needed: 2.5 hrs

Transportation: bus#4, 7, 37, 40, 43, 91, 970, get off at Pok Fu Lam Reservoir station
交通:#4, 7, 37, 40, 43, 91, 970巴士,於薄扶林水塘道落車


SPD4459 The Expendables Central and Western Distrist - 蘭芳園 Lan Fong Yuen


Lan Fong Yuen is a historic Hong Kong-style restaurant which located at Gage street, Central. It has two more branch restaurant now besides the old one. It is a very traditional Chinese Dai Pai Dong.
This is the menu from Lan Fong Yuen.

The interior design is very old Hong Kong with all 80s stars. We think this will be much more truely representing HK than those in their new shops. We tried the milk tea which is very smooth and it worths the appreciations The salted lemon 7~up is very refreshing.
Expendables 遊記精彩照
These are the Expendables' picture .


地址: 中環結志街2號 (沿荷李活道長扶手電睇直行)
查詢: +852 2544 3895
開放時間: 星期一至六:7AM-6PM5