Three months ago, 1600 pandas came to Hong Kong, making PMQ be one of the must-go destination for Hong Kong people. Today, let us bring you there.

PMQ was police married quarters which was rated as a grade3 historic building built in 1951. After more than 2 years revitalization, it becomes the present PMQ. It's formed by 2 seven-floor height main buildings namely Hollywood & Staunton. It has about 100 shops and all of them are selling creative and unique products.
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Shops in PMQ are diversified, offering products ranging from clothing, gifts to furniture and interior design. These tailor different people's wants. PMQ also hold many events and workshops. This month, Ko Sing's First Exhibition, slip on shoes making
workshops,etc. will be held. (browse http://www.pmq.org.hk/happenings/monthly-calendar/?lang=ch for more information)
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Besides, there are also shops selling unique food and beverage. It must satisfy your stomach no matter you want some snacks or meals in a comfortable restaurant.
After having meals, you can also take a rest or have a chat in the green area. Being in such an artistic place, the creativity of our Expendables was also being inspired. See how happy they were playing (-.-)" .
吃完東西後,還可以在綠化地帶休息。這個充滿創意的地方還激發起我們兩位轟天猛將的’另類創意’,看他們玩得多開心(-.-)" 。
PMQ 元創坊
Address: 35 Aberdeen Street, Central
地址: 中環鴨巴甸街35號
Opening hours:
開放時間: 7:00am-11:00pm
Recommended Transport:
建議交通工具: Bus#26 / MTR Sheung Wan or Central Station 港鐵上環或中環站
Official website官方網頁:http://www.pmq.org.hk/?lang=ch