SPD4459 | The Expendables| Central & Western District @中山紀念公園
中山紀念公園原名西區公園,位於香港西營盤海傍,處於東邊街北,鄰近西區海底隧道香港島出口。公園的大草坪豎設有國父孫中山的紀念雕像。公園於2008年5月至12月至2010年6月25日期間關閉重新興建(工程期間,西區公園體育館維持開放,體育館其後更改名稱為中山紀念公園體育館)。公園的大草坪豎設有國父孫中山的紀念雕像,全部工程於2011年年初竣工,重新開放。SPD4459 Central and Western DistrictSPD4459 Central and Western DistrictSPD4459 Central and Western DistrictSPD4459 SPD4459 Central and Western DistrictSPD4459 Central and Western DistrictSPD4459 Central and Western DistrictSPD4459 Central and Western District

Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park, originally named Western Park, is a waterfront park in the Sai Ying Pun area on Hong Kong Island and faces the Victoria Harbour. It is the only park in Hong Kongto be named for a Chinese historic figure.SSPD4459 Central and Western DistrictSPD4459 Central and Western DistrictSPD4459 Central and Western DistrictSPD4459 Central and Western DistrictSPD4459 Central and Western DistrictSPD4459 Central and Western DistrictSPD4459 Central and Western DistrictSPD4459 Central and Western DistrictSPD4459 Central and Western DistrictSPD4459 Central and Western DistrictSPD4459 Central and Western District
野餐好地方 |
The park has closed between 2008 to 2010 for building new indoor swimming pool and a memoral Sun Yat Sen park them. The pool provide service for Central and Wetern Distric people instead of the swimming pool in Wan Chai.S
「天下為公」牌樓 |
中山紀念公園重建工程首階段於2010年6月26日完成,重新開放。內有一座4.5米高的孫中山銅像和一個「天下為公」牌樓,包圍銅像的地板刻著孫中山在世界各地曾經到過的地方。而兒童遊樂場部份,則以中山先生在香港曾入讀的拔萃書室(即拔萃男書院前身)、舊時中央書院(即皇仁書院前身)及香港大學本部大樓的柱廊式建築為藍本,以展現中山先生年輕時的求學環境。公園內亦設有四大寇庭院,以記念四大寇(孫中山、陳少白、尢列、楊鶴齡)對辛亥革命的貢獻SPD4459 Central and Western DistrictSPD4459 Central and Western DistrictSPD4459 Central and Western DistrictSPD4459 Central and Western DistrictSPD4459 Central and Western DistrictSPD4459 Central and Western DistrictSPD4459 Central and WSPD4459SPD4459SPD4459SPD4459SPD4459SPD4459SPD4459SPD4459SPD4459SPD4459SPD4459SPD4459estern DistrictSPD4459 Central and Western DistrictSPD4459 Central and Western DistrictSPD4459 Central and Western District
After rebuilding, there was a Sun yat Sen Statue in the park and it was 4.5 meater tall. Engraved bronze statue of Sun Yat-sen floor surrounded around the world have visited the place. The majority of children's playground , places Yat-sen in Hong Kong had enrolled Diocesan Book Room ( ie Diocesan Boys' School predecessor) , colonnaded building formerly Central School ( ie, the predecessor of Queen's College ) and the University of Hong Kong headquarters building for modeled to show the young Sun Yat-sen school environment. The park also has four bandits courtyard to commemorate the contribution of four bandits ( Sun Yat-sen , Shao-Bai , Urey , Yang Heling ) for the Revolution.
The biggest feature is a large circular lawn. The large circular lawn should be able to sit in the grass. Also, do not just sit here, and it si able to see across the landscape